Dayani panagoda

Director Director Director
+94 777 304172

Dr. Dayani Panagoda, a distinguished policy specialist, has an extensive career dedicated to Women, Peace, and Security. Let’s delve into her qualifications and remarkable experiences:

1. Policy Formulation and Implementation
– Dr. Panagoda has been actively involved in formulating and implementing policies related to Women, Peace, and Security.
– She played a pivotal role in drafting the National Action Plan on Reintegration of Ex-Combatants into Civilian Life in Sri Lanka.
– Additionally, she contributed to the Early Recovery in North and East of Sri Lanka policy.

2. Professional Engagement:
– As a Senior Technical Specialist at Global Communities, Dr. Panagoda continues to make significant contributions.
– Her expertise extends to training professionals, women leaders, and students on the crucial role of women in social cohesionand sustainable peace.

3. Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation (TiME):
– Dr. Panagoda serves as the Director of the Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation.
– TiME is a newly established institution that coordinates experts from various disciplines to track the multi-dimensional development of Sri Lanka.

4. Advocacy for Vulnerable Communities:
– She actively addressesWomen, Peace, and Security concerns within vulnerable and conflict-affected communities.

5. Recognition and Awards:
– In 2019, Dr. Panagoda received the prestigiousN-Peace award for her outstanding work in promoting women’s rights and peace.

Dr. Dayani Panagoda’s trailblazing efforts exemplify true leadership, and she continues to positively impact Sri Lanka’s social fabric

Mr. Indika Perera

Director Director Director
+94 777 304172

Indika is an attorney-at-law with over 20 years of experience in litigation, training, facilitation, program planning, research, management and administration, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), governance and anti-corruption, conflict and political transformation areas. His work experience relates mostly to management of anti-corruption project implementation, training of local VVIP-level Sri Lankan politicians and university-level academic teaching. 

Indika’s litigation experience is in the areas of human rights, and civil, commercial, industrial and criminal law. 

Indika’s training and coaching experience goes beyond Sri Lanka, having conducted programs/sessions in India, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Singapore, Switzerland, Dubai, Malaysia, Sweden, Austria and the United States. 

Indika is a graduate of the Sri Lanka Law College and holds a Master of Arts in Post-war Recovery Studies from the University of York in the United Kingdom

Sheela Daskara

Chief Operations Officer Chief Operations Officer Chief Operations Officer
+94 777 304172

Welcome to TiME, where social impact meets strategic leadership. As the Chief Operations Officer, Sheela Daskara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of Social Sciences and Conflict Resolution.

A graduate in Social Sciences with a Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution, Sheela has dedicated years to the social development sector, working tirelessly to create positive change in communities. With a passion for addressing complex societal issues, she has honed her skills in navigating and resolving conflicts, making a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities.


Currently, serving as the Chief Operations Officer, Sheela plays a pivotal role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of TiME, ensuring that the organization aligns seamlessly with its mission and values. Her strategic vision and commitment to excellence drive the company towards new heights in social impact and sustainable development.

Beyond her role as COO, Sheela Daskara is a dedicated advocate and trainer, specializing in advocacy and lobbying, local fundraising, and life skills. She brings a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to her training sessions, empowering individuals and organizations to effect positive change in their respective spheres.

With a deep understanding of the intersection between social sciences and effective leadership, Sheela is not just a professional but a catalyst for meaningful transformation. She believes in the power of collaboration, innovation, and empathy to create a better world for all.

Join Sheela and The Institute for Monitoring and Evaluation  team on this exciting journey towards social progress and sustainable change.